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Gedinne Longlier statistics

Head-to-Head in the last 3 years
Date   Home   Away
No results in the last 3 years

Course on Competition

1st Round
Gedinnois 3-0 Longlier
1st Round
Gedinnois 3-0 Longlier


  • Cup 2017/2018
  • Last 10 games
  Home Away Global
Current winning streak - - -
Current drawing streak - - -
Current losing streak - - -
No win... - - -
No draw... - - -
No lose... - - -
  Home Away Global
Current winning streak - - -
Current drawing streak - - -
Current losing streak - - -
No win... - - -
No draw... - - -
No lose... - - -


  • Cup 2017/2018
  • Last 10 games
  Home Away Global
Average goals scored each match - - -
Average goals conceded each match - - -
Average goals scored+conceded - - -
Clean sheets - - -
Failed to score - - -
Matches Over 2,5 Goals - - -
Matches Under 2,5 Goals - - -
Home Global
Scores first (anytime) - -
 ⇒ and leads at half-time - -
 ⇒ and wins the match - -
  Home Away Global
Average goals scored each match - - -
Average goals conceded each match - - -
Average goals scored+conceded - - -
Clean sheets - - -
Failed to score - - -
Matches Over 2,5 Goals - - -
Matches Under 2,5 Goals - - -
Away Global
Scores first (anytime) - -
 ⇒ and leads at half-time - -
 ⇒ and wins the match - -
Goal times on the games
0-15 G.Scor
16-30 G.Scor
31-45 G.Scor
46-60 G.Scor
61-75 G.Scor
76-90 G.Scor
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time
Goal times on the games
0-15 G.Scor
16-30 G.Scor
31-45 G.Scor
46-60 G.Scor
61-75 G.Scor
76-90 G.Scor
periods 31-45 and 76-90 also include added time

Correct score

  • Cup 2017/2018
  • Last 10 games
Gedinnois Home Global
Half time Score
Total 100% (0)
Full time Score
Total 100% (0)
Longlier Away Global
Half time Score
Total 100% (0)
Full time Score
Total 100% (0)
NOTE: Data only to the date of this game, exclusive!
Frequently asked questions

Gedinne and Longlier have not had any head-to-heads in the last 3 years, so you need to check other statistical data to support your bet for this match.

The last Gedinne match was for the Cup, as visitors, against Givry, and ended in a loss by 4-1. The last Longlier match was for the Cup, as visitors, against Sibret, and ended in a loss by 4-3, in a penalty shoot-out.



Messancy 1-7 Bertrix
Gedinne 3-0 Longlier
Elene-Grotenbe 2-1 Lochristi
Herentals 3-1 Meerle
Standard Elen 0-4 Leopoldsburg
Vorselaar 1-2 KRC Mechelen
Ekeren 0-2 Brasschaat
Balen 2-0 Wijchmaal
Banneux 0-0 Verlaine
Francs Borains 1-0 Flawinne
Tournai 2-0 Rumbeke
Ninove 8-0 Jette
Herent 0-4 Diegem
Pelt 0-0 Achel
Peer 0-2 Tervant
Bierbeek 3-3 Ganshoren
Huvo 2-1 Retie
US Givry 2-0 Longlier II
Arlon 1-2 Bertrix II
Flavion 1-1 Libramont
Spy 2-1 Pesche
Couvin 0-1 Nismes
Reet 1-6 Robur
Zepperen-Brust 2-4 Heur Tongeren
Wervik 4-0 Eernegem
KSKV 0-3 Lauwe
Brielen 0-4 Menen
Belœil 1-1 Wielsbeke
Estaimbourg 0-3 Zwevezele
Lauwe 0-1 Havinnes
Poperinge 2-4 Sassport
Taintignies 0-6 Racing Waregem
Oostnieuwkerke 2-0 Kortemark
Harchies-Bern. 0-1 Oostduinkerke
Péruwelz 6-0 Westrozebeke
Drongen 1-5 Avanti
Jong Lede 2-1 Maldegem
Westkapelle 5-0 Dikkelvenne
Ardennen 0-2 Merelbeke
Wingene 5-0 Berlare
Oostkamp 0-0 Aalter
Lovendegem 0-4 Zelzate
Waas 4-1 St.Kruis-W.
Varsenare 0-2 Blankenberge
Ternesse 3-1 Buggenhout
Bonheiden 1-2 Lebbeke
Gierle 0-5 Houtvenne
Putte 1-4 Svelta
Mariekerke 1-1 Zele
Kruibeke 0-0 Lille
Heikant 3-4 Walem
Sint-Job 4-2 Oppuurs
Mariaburg 0-2 Hamme-Zogge
Aarschot 2-0 Wolvertem M.
Betekom 2-2 Wavre
Union Lasne 2-2 Hoeilaart
Waterloo 1-1 KDN United
Sterrebeek 2-1 Strombeek
Tollembeek 0-0 Kampenhout
Appelterre 0-1 Eppegem
Huizingen 5-2 Léopold
Woluwe 5-1 Ee. Mazenzele
Voorde 1-2 Sporting Brux.
Braine 4-0 Wemmel
Liedekerke 1-0 Ternat
Sint-Dymphna 1-4 Termien
Diest 3-1 Alken
Helson 2-0 Wellen
Zutendaal 1-3 Hoepertingen
Flandria Paal 1-2 KMR Biesen
Wezel 2-1 Herk
Budingen 1-2 Grimbie
Vlijtingen 5-1 Beringen
Francorchamps 1-0 Stockay
Huy 4-0 Vervietoise
Bütgenbach 0-5 Tilleur
Namur 2-1 Pontisse
Richelle 4-0 Dalhem
Herstal 6-0 Fernelmont-Hem
Loyers II 0-4 Aywaille
Weywertz 1-1 Cointe
Ougrée 0-4 URSL Visé
Jamboise 3-2 Andennais
La Calamine II 0-3 UCE Liège
Disonais 2-0 Verviers
Queue-du-Bois 1-3 Assesse
Malmundaria 1-1 Amay
Tilffois 0-2 Loyers
Onhaye 5-2 Habay
Mormont 4-0 Melreux
Poupehan 0-2 Habay-la-Neuve
La Roche 3-1 Lierneux
Champlon 1-1 Marloie
Nassogne 1-1 Rochefort
Wellin 1-0 Gouvy
Florenville 0-3 de la Molignée
Pâturages 1-5 R. Mons 44
Villers-La-V. 1-1 Stade Brainois
Mt-St-Guibert 2-3 Manageoise
Binche 0-1 Buzet
Malonne 1-8 Aische
Monceau 0-1 La Louvière
Rhisnes 2-4 Solre
Montignies II 0-5 Tamines
Anderlues 1-0 Tertre
Chastre 2-1 RLC Givry
Symphorinois 7-1 Le Roeulx
Flénu 1-4 Grand-Leez
Bambrugge 1-1 Wetteren
Groen Rood 2-1 Nijlen
Grimbergen 3-2 Nederhasselt
Melo 0-2 Waltwilder

Cup - 2017/2018

  • 100% 313 / 313 Games

  • Home team wins 56.55%
  • Draws 0%
  • Away team wins 43.45%
  • Over 1.5 83.71%
  • Over 2.5 63.9%
  • Over 3.5 45.69%
  • Goals 1075
  • Goals /match 3.43
  • Goals /match home 1.81
  • Goals /match away 1.62
  • Both teams score 51.76%
  • Goals after 80' 1.02%
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